
Greetings, fellow adventurers of the digital realm!

I’m Alex a.k.a Cool Geek, your guide on a thrilling journey through the retro gaming universe, sprinkled with a touch of digital business and tech wizardry.

My adventure into the gaming realm kicked off back in the early ’90s when I was just a teenager. It all started when I stumbled upon a mysterious video gaming machine showcasing the enchanting Bubble Bobble. That moment was a game-changer, and I found myself entranced by a world of ever-evolving levels and unending challenges. I was instantly captivated. From then on, I set out on a mission to delve deep into every pixel, dissect every bit, and unravel every byte of the gaming universe.

I’m here to introduce you to the gaming world, analyzing the latest tech trends with cherished relics from the past.

I invite you to join me in this epic quest, where we’ll explore the forgotten classics, decode the secrets of technology and peek into the future of digital business. My goal is to inspire you in a way that’s not only incredibly enjoyable but also financially rewarding.

Together, we’ll unlock the power of pixels and bytes, creating a bridge between the past and the cutting-edge.

Welcome to my world – where retro gaming, digital business, and technology collide in an epic adventure!

For getting in touch feel free to send an email to [email protected]