13 YouTube Channels That Masterfully Feature Retro and Synthwave Music

, the digital stage for countless creators, offers a vast canvas to paint your creative vision. For those who want to incorporate copyrighted into their videos, the path can be challenging, with potential strikes lurking at every corner. But fear not, for there are channels that have paved the way, demonstrating how to feature and synthwave copyrighted music while sailing smoothly through the copyright seas.

Today we'll explore 13 YouTube channels featuring retro and synthwave music that have mastered this art, providing valuable insights and inspiration for creators looking to embark on a similar journey.

1. NewRetroWave

  • Genre: Synthwave
  • Link: NewRetroWave
  • NewRetroWave, often regarded as a pioneer in promoting synthwave music, exemplifies how to navigate the copyright maze. They collaborate closely with artists and record labels to secure proper licensing agreements. This dedication to copyright compliance has allowed them to amass over a million subscribers without a single copyright strike, making them a shining example for creators aiming to feature retro and synthwave music.

2. The '80s Guy

  • Genre: Various '80s genres
  • Link: The '80s Guy
  • The '80s Guy takes viewers on a trip with a variety of '80s genres. What sets him apart is his commitment to obtaining proper permissions and licenses from independent artists. By respecting copyright laws, The '80s Guy has garnered a substantial following while ensuring a smooth journey through the world of YouTube.

3. Neon Nights

  • Genre: Synthwave and retrowave
  • Link: Neon Nights
  • Neon Nights specializes in synthwave and retrowave music, creating content that captivates both visually and audibly. Their secret lies in the transformative nature of their videos. By adding unique visuals and commentary, they ensure their content is more than just music, thus avoiding major copyright issues and thriving on YouTube.

4. LuigiDonatello

  • Genre: Synthwave and vaporwave
  • Link: LuigiDonatello
  • LuigiDonatello is meticulous in his approach to featuring synthwave and vaporwave music. He predominantly selects music that is freely available or comes with proper licensing. This careful curation ensures his channel operates within the bounds of copyright laws while offering a delightful auditory experience.

5. ThePrimeThanatos

  • Genre: Various electronic genres, including synthwave
  • Link: ThePrimeThanatos
  • ThePrimeThanatos features a wide array of electronic music, including synthwave. What sets them apart is their dedication to securing permissions and licenses from artists and labels. This commitment to has led to their channel's success, with millions of subscribers enjoying their content without copyright concerns.

6. Aritus Music

  • Genre: Synthwave and lo-fi
  • Link: Aritus Music
  • Aritus Music, a talented musician himself, often creates original synthwave tracks for his channel. He encourages artists to use his music in their videos, fostering a collaborative and copyright-friendly community. By sharing his compositions freely, he ensures a harmonious journey through the YouTube copyright landscape.

7. Odysseus Music

  • Genre: Synthwave and retrowave
  • Link: Odysseus Music
  • Odysseus Music's approach centers around promoting synthwave artists. They actively collaborate with musicians, obtaining licenses to feature their music. This transparent and legal approach ensures a smooth and lawful channel operation, serving as a blueprint for copyright-conscious creators.

8. Iron Skullet

  • Genre: Synthwave and darkwave
  • Link: Iron Skullet
  • Iron Skullet is a channel dedicated to synthwave and darkwave music. Their success lies in meticulous regarding the copyright status of featured tracks. By ensuring they have the rights or permission to showcase the music, they have carved out a niche in the synthwave community without encountering copyright storms.

9. Electronic Gems

  • Genre: Synthwave and electronic music
  • Link: Electronic Gems
  • Electronic Gems specializes in featuring synthwave and electronic gems. They take a similar approach to NewRetroWave, collaborating closely with artists and labels to secure licensing agreements. Their commitment to copyright compliance has paved the way for a successful journey on YouTube.

10. The '80s Remixes

  • Genre: '80s remixes and synthwave
  • Link: The '80s Remixes
  • The '80s Remixes brings a fresh twist to '80s classics. They navigate the copyright waters by securing proper permissions and licenses for their remixes. Their adherence to copyright laws allows them to continue delivering reimagined '80s hits to their audience without worry.

11. Nizhoni Cooley

  • Genre: Synthwave and outrun
  • Link: Nizhoni Cooley
  • Nizhoni Cooley, a synthwave enthusiast, carefully selects music for her channel. She takes pride in respecting copyright laws, ensuring that the music she features either comes with proper licenses or is freely available. This commitment has allowed her channel to grow while staying on the right side of the copyright shore.

12. Dynatron

  • Genre: Synthwave and darksynth
  • Link: Dynatron
  • Dynatron navigates the world of synthwave and darksynth by diligently researching the copyright status of the music they feature. This thorough approach ensures that their channel operates smoothly and provides a legal platform for fans of these genres.

13. Sung

  • Genre: Synthwave and retrowave
  • Link: Sung
  • Sung combines with synthwave and retrowave music. They navigate copyright waters by securing proper permissions and licenses, ensuring their channel remains a hub for enthusiasts of these genres.

Get Inspired

These 13 YouTube channels stand as beacons of inspiration for creators seeking to feature retro and synthwave copyrighted music on their own YouTube journeys. From securing proper licenses and permissions to adding transformative elements and fostering collaborative communities, each channel has found a unique way to navigate the copyright seas successfully.

By studying their approaches and respecting copyright laws, you too can embark on your own creative voyage while sharing the mesmerizing sounds of retro and synthwave.

Do you have a favorite retro music YouTuber that you believe should be featured on this list? Perhaps there's a personal favorite of yours that you simply can't get enough of?

Feel free to share your retro enthusiasm in the comments section below!

Additionally, if you're a retro music channel yourself, please introduce your channel to us. We're always eager to uncover new gems in the exciting digital world.

Your recommendations and contributions are greatly appreciated!

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